Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has been convicted of third-degree rape and a first-degree criminial sexual act in New York.
The former movie executive, who denies all charges, was found guilty convicted of sexually assaulting former production assistant Mimi Haleyi in 2006 and raping Jessica Mann, a former aspiring actress, in 2013. He faces up to 25 years in prison.
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However, Weinstein was cleared of the most serious count of predatory sexual assault, according to the BBC.
At least 80 women had accused Weinstien of sexual misconduct, including actresses Gwyneth Paltrow, Uma Thurman and Salma Hayek. The allegations kicked off the #MeToo movement that prompted many victims to come forward against powerful men.
The former movie executive still faces charges in Los Angeles of assaulting two women in 2013. He was taken to New York’s Bellevue Hospital reportedly suffering from chest pains after the verdict was announced.
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Allegations against Weinstein first emerged in October 2017, when the New York Times reported incidents dating back decades.
As dozens more accusations emerged, Weinstein was sacked by the board of his company and a criminal investigation was launched in New York. He was charged in May 2018.