KARACHI: Yashma Gill, an actress famously known for her acting in various Pakistani TV dramas, recently took to her Instagram with a video of herself tearfully complaining about her stray dogs being shot outside her home in Lahore.
In her caption she wrote, “How can anyone be so inhumane towards such sweet, speechless creatures? I had adopted 2 stray dogs which had been the victim of much torture at the hands of the Cantonment Board. They had been once before dragged by their necks with wires around them, and thrown out but still returned, them they were blindfolded and taken out, yet they came back. So I heard of this on my last trip here and I adopted them and got them vaccinated.
Now I have returned on my visit to them in Lahore, and I have found out that they have been shot by the Cantonment Board!! I am in absolute shock!! These dogs were of no harm to anyone, yet someone complained to the Cantonment Board and they had them a shot. Please help me get justice for my dogs, and for other such dogs that have been victims of such a cruel fate.”
The stray dogs had been rescued by Yashma Gill and fed and taken care of inside her home. Although a heartbreaking incident, dog-culling is not something new. In Karachi, a large number of rescued stray dogs had been tortured and poisoned on the streets recently.
In her video, she can be seen telling the person in charge at the cantonment board office, how her dogs were vaccinated and harmless.
“PS: IDK if the guy in the video had anything to do with the incident but his remorse and indifferent attitude and the statement “that pets are only always inside the house” boils my blood. People with such an attitude in authority can’t get us anywhere with the safety of animals in the future. It is a Sunday so unfortunately, I couldn’t get hold of all the staff in the office but please help me get to the bottom of this and whoever is in charge of this atrocity with strays should immediately be told to act otherwise. Rip Rano and Rani,” she concluded in her caption.