KARACHI: It’s been almost one year since the Hollywood patriarchy was brought to it’s knees by two ground breaking investigative pieces by the New Yorker and the New York Times. Both articles brought to light a scary, hidden reality about one of Hollywood’s moguls Harvey Weinstein and his long, disturbing list of sexual violence, sexual harassment and sexual assault related offences. What followed was a global reckoning. Women all across the world came out with their important stories, and powerful men were taken down, globally, and here in Pakistan as well.
We’ve put together a timeline of the most important dates for you:
October 5, 2017: The New York Times and the New Yorker publish multiple allegations of sexual violence made against film and media mogul Harvey Weinstein.
October 11, 2017:: Weinstein is fired by his company in light of the allegations

October 16, 2017:: Roy Price, Amazon’s programming chief, is also accused of sexual harassment
October 18, 2017: Actress Alyssa Milano initiates a global campaign via twitter. She uses the words ‘Me Too’, previously used by activist Tarana Burke after an experience with sexual violence in 2006. Milano encourages women to come forward with their stories, using the hashtag #MeToo. Within hours, social media erupts with women all over the world sharing their stories, supporting one another through the pain, and collectively deciding that time’s up for the patriarchy.
October 18, 2017: Roy Price resigns amidst the allegations.
November 10, 2017: Five women come forward with detailed accounts of the sexual harassment they had been subject to by popular comedian Louis C K. The comedian apologises and is let go by HBO. In the weeks leading up to this, other big names such as Dustin Hoffman and Kevin Spacey have also been brought down with allegations of harassment and assault.
In the months that follow, actors such as James Franco, Morgan Freeman, Aziz Ansari, writers such Junot Diaz , content creators such as Paul Haggis, Stan Lee and Dan Harmon are all brought down one by one. Almost every story has a consequence – from social to professional boycott.
Following the death and rape of a 7-year-old girl in January of 2018 in Pakistan, prominent celebrities across the country started sharing their own stories.
January 9, 2017: Body of 7-year-old Zainab Ansari found in a garbage heap. It is discovered that she was abducted, raped and killed. Amidst a nation wide outcry, #JusticeforZainab begins to trend on social media as people come forward with accounts of how they were sexually harassed and assaulted as children.

January 13, 2017: Actress Nadia Jamil also joins the movement as she shares her story.
January 14, 2017: Celebrities Frieha Altaf and Maheen Khan come forward with their stories of the sexual violence they had been subjected to. While women across Pakistan have already been coming forward with their stories, Altaf, Khan and Jamil break the silence in the celebrity world, encouraging even more women to come forward.
April 11, 2017: A woman posts screenshots of her conversations with Patari CEO Khalid Bajwa, providing evidence of sexual harassment he has subjected her to. Bajwa steps down from his position as more women begin to take to social media, posting evidence incriminating him.
April 19, 2017: Singer and Actress Meesha Shafi takes to social media to share her story, making allegations of sexual harassment against fellow musician and actor Ali Zafar.
A year into the reckoning, the patriarchy is far from gone. But a few brave women have made it easier for women all around the world to come forward with their story, to tell the world #MeToo, but also #TimesUp. We want to take a moment to celebrate all those who have come forward, despite the odds; who have fought the battle for all of us, across the world by holding the patriarchy accountable.