KARACHI: Female gamers from across Pakistan are being given an opportunity to put their skills to test and compete for a grand prize of Rs. 500,000. The first ever female centric eSports competition called Her Galaxy will be held on the 8th and 9th of January and here’s all that you need to know about the tournament.
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Her Galaxy is a part of the Galaxy Racer banner and will be the largest eSporting event to take place in the country. Female gamers from all around Pakistan will be invited to the Pak-China Friendship Centre in Islamabad where they will put their competitive gaming skills to test and compete in a Valorant Spike Rush 2v2 tournament. The format of the tournament will have female gamers in teams of two compete with each other for the grand prize. The organizers of the tournament have made all necessary arrangements to ensure the comfort and safety of the female gamers.
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The CEO of Galaxy Racer Pakistan Fakhar e Alam explained why this event was so important, “Our initiative of HER Galaxy is to give opportunity encourage and nurture Pakistani girls to explore possibilities in the eSports universe and compete with the best around the world.” The two day tournament will be free entry for those interested and for the first time ever Her Galaxy will be televised in partnership with Ten Sports and will also be live streamed on www.twitch.tv/galaxyracerdxb.