
Things Pakistani men need to stop saying to women

Guys, it’s time to stop. Just stop

6 years ago

Quiz: Answer these Qs and we’ll tell you if you’re a man or a woman

Yea, we’re trying to make a point. WILL YOU GET IT?

6 years ago

We spoke to the woman behind ‘Khud Khana Garam Karlo’ poster at Aurat March

Asna Hussain stands her ground, laughs off comments against her

6 years ago

This Pakistani ad is defying gender roles and we are here for it

This time, it's the men who are in the kitchen

6 years ago

How desi women internalise misogyny

It's difficult to change the voice we hear in our head which tells us women are weak, mean and incapable.…

5 years ago

#Januhairy: Women are growing out their body hair to promote body positivity

Men, to no one's surprise, aren't too happy about this hairy situation

5 years ago

Sexist ad shows a boy in a graduation cap and a girl as a bride

Many are calling out the company for discriminating between the genders

5 years ago

This couple’s post points out how unfair our culture can be towards women

In viral satirical post, Pakistani woman boasts of her husband's piety by having him wear a burka

5 years ago

7 ways to dismantle the patriarchy

A list detailing the ways women can reclaim equal opportunities that are awarded to men

5 years ago