white supremacy

The Trump/Biden Presidential debate leaves everyone in shock

KARACHI: Speaking on the matter of voting, The Daily Show host Trevor Noah stated, "It is how America chooses which person…

4 years ago

Comment: Katherine George’s savior complex needs to take a seat

From men to white people residing in Pakistan, never can they suppress the urge to 'save' us, can they?

3 years ago

JFK Animal Rescue and Shelter calls out Rosie Gabrielle

KARACHI: Rosie Gabrielle made headlines and was all over social media for her take on littering in Hunza. In a post…

3 years ago

Diana’s greatest fashion moments

Lady Diana would have turned 60 today

3 years ago

What happened to Luke Damant and Dale Philip on Clifton Beach

Opinions are divided after Luke Damant and Dale Philip both posted videos of horsemen trying to scam them on Clifton…

2 years ago