
Comment: Has social justice been reduced to a marketing strategy?

'Dream Crazy' is an instance of a corporation greatly benefiting from a struggle and a cause, without doing the labor…

6 years ago

Comment: Why are we using father-daughter relationships to sell mattresses?

Electra complex? Or just a plain old reinforcement of patriarchal tropes? Here’s a deconstruction if you’re conflicted

5 years ago

Female boxers will now be able to wear hijabs in international competitions

German boxer and Nike Pro Hijab ambassador Zeina Nassar calls move a win for women across the world

5 years ago

‘It’s only crazy until you do it’: Nike’s newest ad is an empowering tribute to female athletes

Women in sports (and otherwise) are often dismissed as 'crazy, hysterical' when they show their emotions

5 years ago

Comment: Stop using feminism to sell your products

Several brands now use feminist messages but in reality do little for the cause

5 years ago