
The Diary of Queen Shugufta: Mercury Retrograde

A memoir of love and longing

7 years ago

20 songs to get you in THE mood

The foreplay to your foreplay

7 years ago

The Diary of Queen Shugufta: Too Young to Kiss?

A memoir of love and longing

7 years ago

4 thoughts you absolutely should not have during sex

KARACHI: For starters if during sex you're thinking about anything but then you've got a problem my friend. But before we…

7 years ago

The Diary of Queen Shugufta: Summer Holidays – Cousin Time

The Diary of Queen S, age 16 Entry 21: Summer Holidays - Cousin Time   It’s summer holiday time again,…

7 years ago

Young Love: A Karachi woman introspects her feminism through her Tinderactions

The author chose to remain anonymous  11pm, somewhere deep in July Head perched on the car window, I steal a…

7 years ago

The Diary of Queen Shugufta: On Anger

A memoir of love and longing

7 years ago

The 7 stages of getting waxed

Thanks, patriarchy. Thanks a bunch

7 years ago

We need to talk about the different types of hymens

This thin membrane that surrounds the opening to a woman's vagina is the source of a lot of problems in…

7 years ago