
7 things #AuratMarchTaughtMe

After a weekend of trolling and bashing, some Pakistanis took to Twitter to share what they learnt at Aurat March…

6 years ago

Day four: Aurat March bashing continues

Some have called for a counter Men's March and it is both comical and sad

6 years ago

5 powerful stories of women who escaped difficult marriages

The stories emerged after a Twitter user condemned a 'Divorced and Happy" poster from Aurat March

6 years ago

The ‘dick pics’ sign at Aurat march was talking about an important issue: rape culture

Criticism of the poster can be seen as an extension of victim blaming, says Aurat March organising committee

6 years ago

Book launch: ‘Sense Me’ explores gender, race and growing up as a woman in Pakistan

Author Annum Salman's debut book of poems promises to be a relatable and personal experience

6 years ago

Murder, anti-women resolutions, censorship: Pakistan, post Aurat March 2019

It seems like most Pakistanis do not like gender equality and they absolutely despise independent women

6 years ago

Man beats up, strips and shaves off wife’s hair after she refuses to dance for him and his friends

Survivor shares story of how she was brutally beaten up

6 years ago

Lilly Singh’s Bollywood rap song is all you need to hear this week, month, year

Brb, rapping 'I got phat stretch marks, yaar menu koi ni fiqr' to Choli Ke Peche Kya Hai

6 years ago

Many marriages in Pakistan are troubled by sexual incompatibility but no one talks about it

Lack of sex education and sexual intimacy has adverse effects on couples' married lives

6 years ago

Pakistani guy reacts to the dick pics his wife receives in her DMs

"To all those dudes sending dick pics to my wife, I've also seen your dick"

6 years ago