
Why the #10YearChallenge is not for everyone

For many, it can bring back painful memories

6 years ago

Sexist ad shows a boy in a graduation cap and a girl as a bride

Many are calling out the company for discriminating between the genders

6 years ago

8 woke ads that challenge toxic masculinity

Can we say there's hope after all?

6 years ago

Nurse arrested for raping woman in vegetative state

The patient had earlier given birth at the Hacienda Healthcare facility

6 years ago

Here are some men winning awards for ‘the success of Emirati women’

UAE gives out gender equality awards entirely to men

6 years ago

Comment: Why are we using father-daughter relationships to sell mattresses?

Electra complex? Or just a plain old reinforcement of patriarchal tropes? Here’s a deconstruction if you’re conflicted

6 years ago

Everything you need to know about the so-called ‘virginity test’

An Indian state recently banned the test but it is very much rampant in parts of Asia and Africa

6 years ago