
5 quick recipes for when unannounced guests show up on Eid

You know you're going to be in for a few surprises. Better prepare!

7 years ago

5 types of eidi-givers

KARACHI: Every year, the biggest thrill of Eid is undoubtedly eidi. For those of you who don't know what eidi is,…

7 years ago

Eid around the world

KARACHI: While Eid is described as a time of celebrations, it isn't necessarily so in many parts of the world. As…

7 years ago

More Pakistani women need to write: Mira Sethi

Actor and author talk about joining the list of female authors with her upcoming book

7 years ago

‘Eid in a Box’ distributes gifts to 1,000 underprivileged children this year

KARACHI: An organisation called Eid in a Box is slowly and gradually growing with the passing of every year. What started…

7 years ago

The Betrayal: Pierogi

A short story followed by a recipe, both sharing a connection to each other

7 years ago

A poem on why people seek refuge

'Home' by Warsan Shire became the voice of the refugee crisis last year, and is still relevant

7 years ago

Pakistan has made it to the FIFA World Cup 2018 … kinda

KARACHI: Even though Pakistan has never participated in the FIFA World Cup, we all still avidly watch the matches every…

7 years ago

How to help someone with depression

KARACHI: Depression works silently. It surreptitiously creeps into our lives. What makes it worse is that because of the taboo…

7 years ago

Around K-town: A round up of what’s happening in the city this weekend

KARACHI: Don't even worry about not having plans this weekend. Read our round up of the most happening events this weekend.…

7 years ago